5 Things That You Can Do Immediately to Practice Gratitude, Feel Love, and Kindness

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Your peace in life is tied to your pursuit of happiness. TODAY stand firm and declare: “My happiness is NOT NEGOTIABLE!” When distractions and attacks come your way shut out the noise and turn in the opposite direction.

Commit to a daily practice of gratitude and kindness.

Practicing gratitude and kindness help you shift into a more positive mindset. With a grateful heart, you can look at life with new eyes and be open to all the joy and abundance that comes your way. Through the practice of kindness, you can extend your love and appreciation to others and give without expecting anything in return. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem or self-love, then let go of the self-criticism and judgment you have for yourself. Make a commitment to be kind to yourself and see yourself through the eyes of love.

Take time each day to feel the love you have for yourself.

What do you love about yourself? What are your best qualities? What makes you unique? If you’re having a hard time finding anything, then try looking at yourself from a child’s perspective. What would a child admire about you? What positive qualities would a child see in you that you don’t see in yourself? Stepping into your greatness and feeling the love you have for yourself is a process. At times, you may need to put yourself on a little “time out” when you feel like you’re being too hard on yourself or others. You may also need to seek out help from a professional to heal any past wounds and negative programming that is holding you back from fully expressing your greatness.

Set your intentions with an affirmation and visualization.

Before you go to bed at night, set your intentions for the next day to be in a positive mindset. Affirm to yourself that you will focus on what is working in your life and what you’re grateful for. Visualize yourself feeling happy, calm and at peace with yourself and others.

Shut out the noise, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, and sad, turn off the noise and close your eyes. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Let go of the stress and tension in your body and use deep breathing as an outlet to release and let go of what doesn’t serve you.

Be in the moment and enjoy what’s happening now.

When you’re caught up in what happened in the past or what you’re worried about in the future, you miss out on the beautiful present moment. Every moment is an opportunity to practice gratitude and live your life in love and joy.

Bottom line

Happiness is a choice that you make in each moment. If you want to feel happy more often, then turn away from negativity and find ways to build more gratitude, peace, love, and joy into your life. Focus on the positive in your life and make happiness a priority. Your peace in life is tied to your pursuit of happiness.


You Deserve to Be Filled the Same Way You Pour!


Daily Inspirational Quotes 2022