How do you use Essential Oils?

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So you’ve purchased your essential oils, but now you have the question “how do I use it”. Well, an essential oil is extracted from plants and can be used for countless benefits. In some cases, essential oils are used primarily for their aromatic qualities, i.e, used in a diffuser. In other cases oils are used topically. Some even digest the oils using some sort of capsule. However, consulting a certified physician is recommended when using the oils orally.

Here are few ways that customers have used Blissful Essential Oils.

  1. Bottle Inhalation Method

  2. Hand Inhalation Method

  3. Pendant Method

  4. Steam Bowl Inhalation

  5. Car Diffuser

  6. Essential Oil Massage

  7. The Foot Absorption Method

  8. Essential Oil Bath

  9. Instead of Perfume

Whatever method you decide to use always do your research first and consult with you physician or primary care doctor.


Benefits of Essential Oils


What are Essential Oils?