3 Things That You Can Do Immediately To Create A Positive Mindset

There is power in pushing positive thoughts. I believe that what you think shall become your reality. With that being said, negative thoughts are not a good vibe, PERIOD! I am an advocate for pushing positive thoughts on a daily basis.

Here are 3 things that you can do immediately to create a positive mindset:


When I mediate, I make sure that I find a quiet spot that is free of social media, phone, tv, family, etc. The internet is you friend. I go to YouTube to find a 15–20-minute guided meditation.


The purpose of journaling is to be able to identify and analyze your thinking, emotional and behavioral patterns, but also to release tension. There are many benefits to journaling.

1.       It helps to slow down your thoughts

2.       It helps you to gain clarity

3.       It helps you to feel calmer


Some individuals are opposed to aromatherapy, but there are others who love it and understands how to use it. Very briefly, I use aromatherapy:

1.       When I am having a dreadful day. Aromatherapy helps me to distress and clear my thoughts

2.       To release tension. A couple drops of lavender essential oil in a diffuser is like heaven

3.       To focus; To clear foggy brain

4.       When I mediate

Incorporate meditation, journaling, and aromatherapy into your daily routine until it becomes second nature. Mindset is everything!

Carmen Rene